Zhaga | Book 20 | Smart Lighting | Dec 22, 2022

First Book 20 Control Devices Earn Certification

Zhaga Book 20 defines a smart interface between an indoor LED luminaire and a sensing/communication module or control device. Book 20 brings together complementary specifications from the Zhaga Consortium and the D4i specifications from the DALI Alliance. Certified control devices can carry the dual logos of Zhaga and D4i which together indicate interoperability. Osram is the first company which has earned the Zhaga-D4i certification for a number of their control devices.

In the LED luminaire the module or control device connects to the LED driver, and typically provides sensory inputs or enables communication between network components.

The Osram product families QBM D4i Z, QBM D4i LS/PD Z and QBM D4i LS/PD HB Z have been Zhaga-D4i certified and can now carry the Zhaga-D4i certification logo.

OSRAM product photo.jpg

This family of devices is equipped with a Qualified Bluetooth Mesh wireless interface, ensuring connectivity to D4i drivers, together with light and presence detection
enabling light harvesting functionalities.

Zhaga Book 20 provides a simple way to add control devices to luminaires by providing a standardized interface between them. The combination of complementary specification for mechanical fit, digital communication, and connection interface ensures interoperability for components from multiple suppliers. This combination helps enable smart luminaires that are easily upgradable to take advantage of the rapid developments in digital networking technology.

For further information, please contact Axel Baschnagel, Marketing Communications, marcom@zhagastandard.org.

About Zhaga
Zhaga is a global association of lighting industry members. Zhaga standardizes interface specifications for LED luminaire components, including LED light engines, LED modules, LED arrays, holders, electronic control gear (LED drivers), connectors, sensor and/or wireless communication modules and associated devices. The Zhaga interface standards enable multi-vendor ecosystem of interoperable products. To create trust in the interoperability of products from multiple vendors Zhaga has a certification and logo-program executed by third party test houses. Through its focus on interoperability, Zhaga contributes to circularity lighting via smart, connected lighting and serviceable luminaires, supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 for sustainable cities and communities. Zhaga has set up a partner and liaison program, working with recognized Standards Development Organisations and Alliances to maximise synergies, leverage external expertise and global acceptance. 
For more information, visit www.zhagastandard.org.  

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