TRIZ | Workshop | Trends |
Jun 01, 2021
TRIZ@Light Workshop – Part I
Luger Research organized the first TRIZ@Light workshop and pointed out the general development trends in this first part. The first main trend was presented in the workshop and discussed with the participants.
Systematic innovation is based on the application of generally valid development principles of technical systems. The first main trend, "Transistion to the Supersystem," was presented during the workshop and discussed with examples.
How to apply this trend?
- Define main functions
- Find subsystems to incorporate
- Find opportunities and risks that the supersystem could take over your system
- Apply this trend to all kinds of elements/businesses (mechanics, electronics, services, and sales.)
Key Learnings
1) Systems evolve according to well-defined trends/laws!
2) Trend of “Transition to the Supersystem.”
Do you want to participate in Part II? Reserve your seat here!
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